BMI+ 1 to 1 Bespoke Fitness
Weight from 23 up to 32 stones.
This service is offered in your home (subject to space) and subject to small travel fee depending on area.
BMI+ Health Class Weight Loss and Fitness
Nothing But The Bounce (New)
Energise to music and bounce your way to fitness with open and closed chain bounces designed to increase fitness, and shape up and lose weight at a faster pace.
Once stable and more agile on the bellicon and after some weight loss this is a more lively bounce is fun and will have your wanting more. The strong red clip allows for a gentle bounce but to increase the intensity.A
Membership Services
The emotional coaching support strategies for Emotional Self-Awareness is on offer to ReboundFit Memberships. Take this support coaching alongside the Bounce Back program , then this will this enlighten and speed your weight loss journey. This emotional support is offered to you in conjunction with the ReboundWell Inside Out Wellbeing programme.
This Strategies for Emotional Self-Awareness tool, offers you help to move towards increased emotional self awareness .
This Strategies for Emotional Awareness tool with unique and innovative process with one-to-one coaching then you will find this an to aid in finding insight into confusing emotional eating.
As you develop your skill at emotional self-awareness coaching, this will provide good support your weight management. This tool and offers you help to move towards increased emotional self awareness , and relation to food.
If you combine this with unique and innovative process with emotional coaching then you will find this an to aid in finding insight into confusing emotional eating.